01 April, 2006

Day 1

So this is it.

My world has been revolving way too much around my weight and the ever-changing shape of my body. Of course, I'm trying to embark upon a plan to lose weight. Of course I want to look good naked. Of course, I want my body to be able to do the same things it did 60 pounds ago.

But I've got a bigger agenda.

It's time to find out why. Oh, the what of it is clear as day. It's so clear, it seems to run to the front of my attention just about every 5 minutes. The what of it is as easy to recognize as the rising number on the scale.

But why?

This isn't a big psycho-analytical endeavor in order to intellectually masturbate myself into some self-pity party. I want to find out what it is about this world that makes it so easy for us to disconnect from our bodies. I want to take apart all of the forces of nature and society that have been pushing me into larger and larger pants sizes.

I want to know why women feel ugly, no matter how they look. I want to know why so much of our self worth is summed up in a number that pops up on a scale. I want to know why we don't get along with our bodies anymore.

This will partially be a log of my weight loss plans. But I'm hoping it'll be something a little more interesting than that. I want this to be a conversation about our bodies.

(note- I'm coming at this issue from my own perspective- the perspective of a white, fairly able-bodied female. I will do my best to keep true to my perspective, but I would love to hear others)

1 comment:

LaReinaCobre said...

When I lost 20 pounds last year it was because I made myself the priority. It was hard. Sometimes I wanted to make sleep the priority. Nowadays I often want to make checking my email or getting home before dark the priority.

Then I had some injuries and gained it all back in 2.5 months. It's amazing how quickly that wants to happen. But the good thing is that I know it's possible to do it.

Anyway, I'll be reading!